Semi-Private Personal Training

get started on your personalized fitness plan

Our Semi-Private Personal Training program stands out as a pinnacle of personalized fitness in the East Memphis area. It provides an exceptional experience by pairing you with our top-notch trainers, allowing for both individual attention and the dynamic energy of working out in a group. 

This format provides intensive, tailored guidance synonymous with personal training.

Training alongside others boosts energy, motivation, and camaraderie. It also strengthens support and accountability, making the experience more contagious and uplifting.

Our commitment to your success is matched only by our dedication to providing top-tier facilities and unparalleled personalized support. Furthermore, while Semi-Private Personal training is more cost-effective than traditional 1-on-1 training, every client is guaranteed a bespoke fitness plan meticulously designed to align with their unique goals.

  • Semi-Private Personal Training: Benefit from a group size of 2-5 participants, ensuring quality attention.

  • Experienced Trainers in Memphis: Train with some of Memphis' most qualified professionals.

  • Balanced Workouts: Each session focuses on different muscle groups, allowing for both challenge and recovery.

  • Small Group Advantage: Enjoy the camaraderie and support of a close-knit group setting.


Looking for something you don't see? Contact us and ask about it, we might offer it!